Top Supplements For Building Muscle And Enhancing Gym Performance

Muscle and strength supplements are highly effective. Whilst they cannot replace meals, they will provide a big boost to your gains and so are well worth considering if you want to take yourself to the next level.

Nowadays there are so many supplements and variations that it’s difficult to distinguish the good from the bad.

Here’s a few considerations that will help in selecting high-quality supplements:

  • Is there good evidence that it provides the claimed results (from both anecdotes and studies)?
  • Are there any side effects and is it safe to use in the long term?
  • What is the ideal dosage and when/how often should I consume it?
  • Does it have quality sourced ingredients (preferably from natural foods rather than synthetic)?
  • Are there any additional ingredients e.g. fillers, sweeteners?

Using the above guidelines you should be able to filter out the low-quality stuff and get the best of the best.

Also, note that taking supplements alone will not build significant muscle and strength. You will need to combine them with regular resistance training to give your muscles the stimulus to grow bigger and stronger.

So without further ado, here are my top-rated supplements that will make a big difference to your muscle and strength gains. I’ve also provided links to relevant products from reliable brands, many of which I personally use.

1. Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is a substance that replenishes Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) levels in your muscles. Simply put, creatine provides energy to your muscles.

It’s found in red meat and your body also produces it naturally. Whilst it’s possible to get a good intake of creatine if you eat lots of red meat, taking some extra creatine in supplement form is easier and will give you a noticeable boost.

As a supplement, creatine is highly reliable due to decades of study proving its beneficial effects – it’s one of the OGs of the supplement world.

Consuming creatine will increase water retention in your body. The benefit from this is that you’re well-hydrated and able to unlock peak performance. This also means that you will need to drink more water than usual to avoid dehydration if you’re taking creatine regularly.

On the flip side, you’ll notice your muscles looking rounder and fuller after taking it. The best part: it can legitimately improve your gym performance by 5-10% meaning that you’ll be able to lift a bit more weight or do a few more reps.

What Is The Ideal Dosage Of Creatine? How Much Creatine Should I Have?

A good daily dose is around 3-5 grams. You can have more (up to 20 grams) but there may be diminishing returns. It can be taken before and/or after a workout.

Creatine usually comes in powder form and can be mixed in water or other beverages, shakes etc.

It can be consumed daily if you wish but at the very least consume it on workout days.

Are There Any Negative Side-Effects With Creatine?

Creatine can be taken on an empty stomach but that can cause digestion issues for some people. For best results, you can have creatine with water or mixed in a post-workout shake for easier digestion.

If you take 3-4 servings of creatine per week (with each serving being 3-5 grams) that should pose no problem at all.

Which Creatine Supplement Is Best?

Creapure Creatine Monohydrate is considered the best, purest form of creatine supplement.

2. Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced naturally in the body. Food sources for beta-alanine include beef, chicken, turkey and fish. It is a precursor to carnosine, a compound that helps to buffer lactic acid buildup in the muscles.

As a result, beta-alanine provides the following benefits:

  • Increased muscular endurance: A buildup of lactic acid will cause muscle fatigue. Beta-alanine reduces lactic acid buildup which helps you to train for longer before you become tired.
  • Increased power output: Similar to above, when lactic acid builds up it will reduce your power output capabilities. With Beta-alanine you can maximise power during short, intense exercises.
  • Improved recovery: Any workout will damage the muscles used. Beta-alanine will reduce the damage to muscles leading to quicker recovery.

All the above make beta-alanine an excellent pre-workout supplement that helps to maximise gym performance.

What Is The Ideal Dosage Of Beta-Alanine? How Much Beta-Alanine Should I Have?

The ideal dosage of beta-alanine for muscle and strength benefits is 2-5 grams per day. It’s best to split this dose into two or three smaller doses throughout the day.

Are There Any Negative Side-Effects With Beta-Alanine?

For some people, beta-alanine can cause a tingling sensation in the skin, known as paresthesia. However, this is a harmless side effect that usually goes away after a few weeks of supplementation.

Which Beta-Alanine Supplement Is Best?

Getting beta-alanine from meat & fish alone is preferable. Otherwise, consider choosing from various beta-alanine supplements to boost your energy in the gym.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in coffee, tea & cola amongst other foods and beverages. It is also available as a supplement. Caffeine has been shown to have a number of benefits for exercise performance, including increased strength, power and endurance.

How does caffeine help with muscle and strength gains?

Caffeine works in many ways to improve strength gains. It can:

  • Increase alertness and focus which generally helps you train harder and longer.
  • Boost energy levels to lift more weight or do more reps.
  • Improve muscle contraction which leads to greater strength gains.
  • Spare muscle glycogen helps you to train longer before fatigue sets in.

What Is The Ideal Dosage Of Caffeine For Muscle And Strength Gains? How Much Caffeine Should I Have?

The ideal dosage of caffeine varies from person to person. However, as a ballpark 200-400 mg is a good starting point. This amount of caffeine is equivalent to about two cups of coffee or four cans of cola. It should be taken 30-60 minutes before a workout.

Are There Any Negative Side-Effects With Caffeine?

Note that too much caffeine can have negative side effects such as anxiety, insomnia and headaches. If you are new to caffeine, start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it until you find your sweet spot.

Overall, caffeine is a safe and effective way to improve strength and endurance gains. If you are looking for a way to boost your workouts, consider adding a moderate amount of caffeine to your pre-workout routine.

Which Caffeine Supplement Is Best?

There are thousands of caffeine products out there so take your pick.

4. Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein is a by-product of cheese. It is one of the most bioavailable forms of protein. This means that it has an exceptionally high absorption rate into your body compared to other sources of protein.

As a protein, it is “complete” because it contains all nine essential amino acids (building blocks of muscle tissue) that your body cannot produce on its own.

In addition to providing essential amino acids, whey protein also contains branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are also important for muscle growth. BCAAs are metabolized directly in muscle tissue, so they help to prevent muscle breakdown during exercise and promote muscle recovery afterwards.

It is a highly useful supplement to help meet daily protein consumption targets.

What Is The Ideal Dosage Of Whey Protein? How Much Whey Protein Should I Have?

The ideal dose of whey protein for building muscle and strength is as much as you want it to be! You can have it multiple times a day or simply after workouts.

Choose a whey protein supplement that is high in protein and low in sugar. Mix your whey protein shake with water or milk. I would recommend milk because it tastes better plus you get extra protein and some carbs from the milk. On top of that, it’s ideal for adding extra ingredients to further enhance the flavour e.g. fruits, chocolate, oats etc

One serving of whey protein will typically yield 20g+ of protein. It’s very helpful if you struggle to get enough protein from food and the extra boost can make all the difference for your muscle gains.

Also, it’s very cheap per gram of protein making it one of the best all-round protein sources.

Are There Any Negative Side-Effects With Whey Protein?

High doses of whey protein can cause digestion issues, bloating and nausea. However, if you keep to a sensible dose then it’s rare to experience this.

I find that one scoop of whey protein (30g) mixed with 300 ml of milk is ideal.

Which Whey Protein Supplement Is Best?

I recommend Whey Protein Isolate by Bulk -> Bulk Pure Whey Isolate 97

It’s not cheap but the quality is outstanding and there are no additional ingredients, just pure whey.

5. Electrolytes

Rock Salt

Electrolytes are essential minerals that keep you hydrated alongside water.

When fully hydrated you’re pumped up and at your strongest because your muscles are capable of maximal contraction. Elite lifters and strength athletes are very serious about their hydration for good reason: it helps them perform at their best.

The key electrolytes are:

  • Sodium – table salt, rock/sea salt
  • Potassium – dates, bananas, watermelon, coconut
  • Magnesium – fish, nuts
  • Calcium – dairy (milk, yoghurt, cheese etc)

Sodium and potassium are the ones to focus on. Most people consume a reasonable amount of sodium but not potassium.

What Is The Ideal Dosage Of Electrolytes? How Many Electrolytes Should I Have?

Whilst there are many electrolyte supplements out there, they are not all the same! It’s important to find one with both a good dose and ratio of sodium to potassium, otherwise it may not be effective.

I would recommend getting electrolytes mostly from natural food and drink sources mentioned above

Are There Any Negative Side-Effects With Electrolytes?

Significantly messing up the ratio balance between the electrolytes (mainly sodium to potassium) or consuming too many electrolytes can be harmful to the body.

Which Electrolyte Supplement Is Best?

I would recommend getting electrolytes from individual foods rather than through electrolyte supplements because you have more control over the dosage.

For sodium, consume rock salt and sea salt.

For potassium, have Medjool dates, bananas, watermelon and coconut water

For an all-round electrolyte solution, milk is surprisingly effective at hydrating. The electrolyte and carbs content of milk is similar to that found in sports drinks, making it isotonic and studies have shown that it’s good at retaining water in the body.

If none of the above work for you then there are plenty of effective electrolyte supplements on the market ranging from powders to isotonic sports drinks such as Powerade and Lucozade Sport.

6. Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and a major component of connective tissues, including bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It also plays a role in the health of your skin, joints and gut.

There is evidence that collagen supplements can help to build muscle and strength. In a small study, men who took collagen peptide supplements during a 12-week strength training program saw a greater increase in muscle mass and strength than those who didn’t.

The mechanism by which collagen supplements may help to build muscle is not fully understood. However, it is thought that collagen may help to promote muscle protein synthesis, which is the process by which the body builds new muscle tissue. Collagen may also help to reduce muscle damage after exercise, which can lead to faster muscle recovery and growth.

What Is The Ideal Dosage Of Collagen? How Much Collagen Should I Have?

The ideal dosage of collagen supplements recommended for building muscle and strength is 10-15 grams per day.

The best types of collagen for building muscle and strength are hydrolyzed collagen peptides. Hydrolyzed collagen peptides are easily digested and absorbed by the body. They are also a good source of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein

Marine collagen and bovine collagen are the two most common types of collagen supplements. They have many similarities, but there are also some key differences.

Marine collagen is derived from fish, while bovine collagen is derived from cows. Marine collagen is more bioavailable than bovine collagen, meaning that it’s more easily absorbed by the body. Marine collagen is also said to be gentler on the stomach than bovine collagen.

Bovine collagen is a bit more affordable than marine collagen. It is also more widely available, as it has been around longer.

Are There Any Negative Side Effects With Collagen?

Generally, collagen supplements do not result in any major side effects. Some people may experience skin rashes or diarrhoea although this can be due to taking higher doses of collagen.

Some people may be able to consume daily but those who experience any of the above side effects may want to consume it infrequently and with smaller serving sizes.

Which Collagen Supplement Is Best?

Marine collagen is more easily digested so I would recommend that over bovine collagen.

In particular, I recommend Marine Collagen by Corexxico due to its premium quality when compared with many other brands.

Summary and Conclusion – Which Supplements Should I Take To Build Muscle And Increase Strength?

As you can see there are many excellent supplements out there which can make a big difference to your muscle and strength gains.

To recap, my recommended supplements for boosting muscle and strength gains beyond good diet, exercise and sleep are:

  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • Whey Protein
  • Beta-Alanine
  • Caffeine
  • Electrolytes
  • Collagen

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